


Cat Health Pets Galore

Cat Health

The key to keeping your feline free from common diseases is prevention. Every year more and more disease prevention products are registered for sale in Australia, therefore a large variety of options are available. For kittens and cats it's best to conduct regular prevention treatments for intestinal worms (round, hook, whip and tape), heartworm, fleas, and ear mites.


Depending on where you live, you may also need to conduct prevention treatments for ticks, particularly the Australian paralysis ticks.  As always, it is much easier to prevent than to cure, so prevent, prevent, prevent!


Our Brands


  • Advantage - Fleas​
  • Advocate -  Fleas, Intestinal Worms, Heartworm, Ear Mites, Lungworm
  • Bravecto - Fleas, Ticks
  • Bravecto Plus - Fleas, Ticks, Heartworm, Roundworm, Hookworm, Ear Mites
  • Capstar - Fleas
  • Comfortis - Fleas
  • Frontline Plus - Fleas
  • Frontline Spray - Fleas, Tick (available to use from 2 days of age)
  • Moxiclear - Fleas, Intestinal Worms, Heartworm, Ear Mites, Lungworm
  • Profender - Intestinal Worms
  • Revolution - Fleas, Intestinal Worms, Heartworm, Ear Mites, Lice
  • Seresto - Fleas 


There are differences in these products, older and newer technologies, effectiveness and how the prevention is provided to you cat.  Just ask and we can help.

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07 January 2020

Pets Galore Toowoomba

07 4632 4650

0418 721 483

8 Hodgson Street

Toowoomba Qld 4350


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